Tu tienda de energía solar

Encuentra los paneles solares, los inversores, las baterías y muchos más accesorios que buscabas

ENERGY METER EM24 - 3 phase-max 65A/phase Ethernet
The Victron EM24 Ethernet is a standard device for measuring the power and energy of a three-phase application, for example in the distribution box or for measuring the output of a PV inverter, an AC generator or an inverter or inverter/charger.
Huawei 15KTL-M2 (High Current Version)
Inversor trifásico NO HÍBRIDO
Compatible con el uso de optimizadores SUN2000-375W-P2, mínimo 6 por string.
Smart Dongle - WLAN-FE / 4G OPCIONAL
Countis E43
Modular electric energy meter that displays power (kWh, kVArh and kVA) and other measurements directly on its backlit LCD display.
It is designed for three-phase load metering with connection via CT and is suitable for applications up to 12000 A.
SMA Power Control Module
El SMA Power Control Module es una interfaz multifuncional que permite integrar servicios de gestión de red en un inversor. El módulo está equipado con un relé multifuncional.
Huawei DDSU666-H (1-Ph) Smart Power Sensor
Huawei DDSU666-H (1-Ph)

Indirect measurement wattmeter (ampere clamp included)
It allows measuring the consumption of our electrical network.
With an RS485 communication interface to communicate with Huawei inverters
3 years warranty.
Huawei 4KTL-L1
Huawei 4KTL-L1

Smart Dongle - WLAN Included
Maximum input voltage: 600V
Maximum intensity by MPPT: 12.5A
Anti-islanding / reverse polarity protection DC / temperature / AC overcurrent, short circuit and overvoltage
Maximum efficiency:98%
Protection: IP65
10 year warranty
Huawei 5KTL-L1.
Huawei 5KTL-L1

Smart Dongle - WLAN-FE Included
Maximum input voltage: 1,100 V
Maximum input current per MPPT: 13.5A
DC reverse polarity / AC overcurrent / short circuit protection, anti-islanding
Protection: IP65
Maximum efficiency: 98.4%
10 year warranty
Huawei Smart Dongle WLAN-FE
Huawei Smart Dongle WLAN-FE
Intelligent communication accessory to provide WLAN and FE (fast ethernet) connection through RJ45 connection
Huawei 4.6KTL-L1
Inversor monofásico híbrido nueva generación, 2 MPPT
Eficiencia 97.5%,1-phase, 2 MPPT, Opcional Ethernet and/or 4G via different Dongles, Conector DC Stäubli MC4, Caja de protección IP65, Baterías compatibles LG Chem Resu HV / Huawei LUNA 2000, Dimensiones 36,5 x 36,5 x 14 cm, Peso 12.6kg, Garantía de producto 10 años.
Huawei 3KTL-L1
Huawei 3KTL-L1

Smart Dongle - WLAN Included
Maximum input voltage: 600V
Maximum intensity by MPPT: 12.5A
Anti-islanding / reverse polarity protection DC / temperature / AC overcurrent, short circuit and overvoltage
Maximum efficiency:98.3%
Protection: IP65
10 year warranty
Huawei 2KTL-L1
Huawei 2KTL-L1 (2MPPT)

Smart Dongle - WLAN Included
Maximum input voltage: 600V
Maximum intensity by MPPT: 12.5A
Anti-islanding / reverse polarity protection DC / temperature / AC overcurrent, short circuit and overvoltage
Protection: IP65
10 year warranty
Huawei BMS (LUNA2000-5KW-C0 - DC/DC Module)
Huawei BMS (LUNA2000-5KW-C0 - DC/DC Module)
Advanced management system that is responsible for monitoring and controlling the batteries of the power module
Huawei 6KTL-L1
Huawei 6KTL-L1

Smart Dongle - WLAN Included
Maximum input voltage: 600V
Maximum intensity by MPPT: 12.5A
Anti-islanding / reverse polarity protection DC / temperature / AC overcurrent, short circuit and overvoltage
Maximum efficiency:98.4%
Protection: IP65
10 year warranty
Huawei Luna Wall Mounting Bracket
Huawei Luna Wall Mounting Bracket
Wall mounting kit for Huawei LUNA2000
Kit K2 10V4 30º (4 módulos)
Estructura 30º para una fila de cuatro módulos colocados en posición vertical. El kit incluye:

Guías Light de 2,25m
Triángulos 30º 1 altura vertical 1640
Tornillos Allen M10x20
Tornillos T M10x30
Tuercas M10
Set de pletinas finales OneEnd
Set de pletinas centrales OneMid
Tapas de protección para guía Light
Sensor de irradiación SI-RS485TC-2T-MB (IMT)
Con fuente de alimentación externa de 12 a 28 VCC, cable de conexión de 3 m, microprocesador integrado, compensación de temperatura activa, medición integrada de la temperatura de la célula solar calibrada y una interfaz RS485, protocolo: MODBUS, con sensor de temperatura ambiente externo conectado permanentemente (Pt1000, longitud del cable 3 m)

Inverter - bidirectional charger
Rated output power: 3kw
Mains rated voltage: 220V/230V
Maximum output current: 20A
Anti-return protection of the battery / short circuit / temperature and output overcurrent
Sungrow Anticombiner Box 1000V
SEGURO Y FIABLE Sistema más seguro con fusible. C4 anticorrosión, adaptable para alta salinidad y ambiente húmedo. Clase de protección IP65. FLEXIBLE Máx. 18 salidas, adaptación perfecta de los inversores serie CX. Gran entrada CC, aplicable para revamping. Adecuado para nuevos proyectos con cables CC largos. FÁCIL INSTALACIÓN Ligero (20kg) para una fácil instalación. Cable CC máx 240mm². Diseño de fusible enchufable.