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Baterías Cegasa

Las baterías de Ion-Litio del experimentado fabricante Español Cegasa en el sector son el sistema de almacenamiento perfecto si se busca una solución Litio.

Tanto para sustituir antiguas baterías (sean de Plomo Ácido o Litio), como para instalaciones de Autoconsumo mejorado, o soluciones aisladas.

La gama de baterías de Litio de Cegasa cuenta con soluciones de acumulación perfectas para la fotovoltaica, contando con un rango de capacidades desde 1,2 kWh hasta 1 MWh.

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eBick Ultra 175 -48280M (13,4 kWh)
The eBick Ultra 175 is Cegasa's answer to installers looking for a pre-installed, self-managing, plug-and-play battery.
It is ideal for replacing lead-acid batteries in existing installations, as well as for new self-consumption and off-grid
off-grid and self-consumption installations with requirements between 13 and 54 KWh.
The eBick Ultra 175, offering an IP30 degree of protection, is stackable up to 2 heights and up to 8 parallel connections in controlled conditions for communication.
TCC-CAN Ultra 175

The TCC-CAN control module for Cegasa's eBick Ultra 175 modular battery.
The BMS, through CAN communication, allows sending the most relevant battery data such as SOC, temperature, alarms, current and voltage both in charge and discharge, among others. In addition, with the eViewer App, via Bluetooth connection, it allows to visualize the module parameters such as battery SOC, cycles and bus voltage, among others.
Escal 63kWh
Rango de Voltaje: 572 - 689V
Tensión nominal: 634 V
Potencia nominal: 33kW