Installing an off-grid system has never been easier.
Success Story in Gran Canaria

Case Study: Off-Grid residential installation at a remote location in Gran Canaria

In the PV sector, developing ‘off-grid’ or ‘stand-alone’ installations has traditionally been a more complex task and, in many cases, avoided even by the most experienced companies.

The typical complications of this type of installation begin with the integration of multiple components from different manufacturers: inverters, batteries, wiring, busbars and protections. Each element adds a level of difficulty and potential points of failure, often making these projects a tedious and inefficient process. However, this case marked a turning point thanks to Sigenergy's Sigenstor + Gateway solution.

With Sigenergy's technological vision, we were able to overcome the usual challenges associated with off-grid systems. Their solution for direct current (DC) wiring between batteries and between the battery and inverter is key. This design not only eliminated the need for complicated wiring and additional protections, but also significantly reduces the risk of human error during installation.

In this specific installation, we achieve:

  1. Simplify assembly: Thanks to Sigenergy's optimised design, the installation process was much more streamlined, eliminating the need for complex coordination between different manufacturers.
  2. Reduced costs: Required materials, such as additional cabling and shielding, were minimised, resulting in considerable savings compared to conventional solutions.
  3. Ensuring reliability: By reducing potential faulty connections or incompatibilities, the system achieved optimal performance from day one.​

The result was a fully functional off-grid system designed to meet the energy needs of the house.  

This case is a clear example of how technology can unlock the potential of off-grid installations, even in the most challenging environments. Sigenergy not only makes life easier for installers, but also opens up new possibilities to bring energy self-sufficiency to the people who need it most.

Thanks to its integrative approach, we can say that the future of off-grid PV installations will be more affordable, reliable and efficient.

Installing an off-grid system has never been easier.
José Antonio Pnp 29 December 2024
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